Saturday, October 25, 2014


Better late than never, a quick update! I officially moved from Logan to Pullman at the end of the summer. I've settled in to what will be my home for the next two years. I have an awesome roommate. She has a cat named Bagheera, so Roxy and Burton have a new roommate too. The kitties still aren't too sure of each other, but they tolerate/ignore each other.
School is going well. This semester is all the medicine courses. I'm feeling more and more like a doctor every day! The classes I'm taking are Small Animal Medicine, Equine Medicine, Large Animal Medicine, Small Animal Surgery, Clinical Pharmacology, Communications and Applied Anatomy. And starting on Monday, I begin my surgery block! I'll be on block for three weeks and will get to performa spay for my first solo surgery! I'm very excited and a little bit nervous, but all around looking forward to the experience. The classmates I'm grouped up with are awesome, supportive people, so I'm really glad to be working with the two of them.
We are already starting to plan our schedule for 4th year. It's a complex process so it's kind of overwhelming, especially to be working on it so early. I've also got a tentative plan in place for my senior paper, and have arrangements for a mentor who will be awesome to work with.
A few pictures of the events of the semester so far are below! I hope to update again after surgery block! Woo hoo! A chance to cut is a chance to cure!
I attended my first Coug football game a few weeks ago with these lovely ladies

Equine bandaging lab (my roomie, Emily is behind me!)


My amazing group that I had the pleasure to mentor during COLE this summer

The goose!

Me and Heather partnered up to make a bivalve fiberglass cast for small animal bandaging lab!

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